

  • I looked up how to start a group and there is now a group called "IBS and FODMAPS"....we can always change the name and I'm supposed to add a pic and a description but I'm at work and just wanted to get it created really quick. I tried to send invites to the people on this board who seemed like they would be interested.…
  • I'm glad there are other people out there doing this and it seems to be working for you guys! After almost a year of issues I finally went to talk to my primary care doc and she diagnosed me with IBS and thinks its a carbohydrate malabsorption thing and she said the GI doc may want me to go low FODMAP. I researched it a…
  • Hello there everyone! Not sure if people are checking this thing any more, but I'm a vegan so feel free to add me! I'm relatively new to the site too (just started in the last month) and I'd love to meet and greet too! I was vegetartian for a number of years and then just 5 months ago or so I went full vegan. I told myself…
  • The drop 10 diet? Is this with that Jackie Werner lady?
  • I eat quinoa as a replacement and then use homemade sauce since it has less sugar and crap in it. Also brown rice is yummy. I think the key is WHOLE foods, because carbs are your friend if you're into working out. This is going to sound crazy but bear with me, if you look into vegan, raw recipe books they have all sorts of…
  • Let's be friends! I need support too...I just started my account today and I definitely want buddies to keep up with on here!
    in Support Comment by nahzimani June 2012