

  • If you have hunger pains then your noting eating foods that fill you up. Do research on filling healthy foods to fill you up.
  • The best thing you can do is be an example of becoming fit and not a reminder to them of how unfit they are. Continue your road to a healthy life, you know the notice but you don't have to rub in there face or do you. If you desire compliments then you won't get compliments from your man if youre wearing the same clothes.…
  • Amen to that. You've got to want it bad.. Try finding a favorite piece of clothing that you'd love to fit again and be determined to fit into it in a certain period of time.
  • Hey fellow newbie. I've cataloged before on a different website and lost 4 lbs per week. This works and if you see yourself over indulging on your food intake. Then exercise to meet your set daily calories. But you've got to catalog daily. Try it faithfully for even a week. Oh and slowly remove an iindulging food item like…
  • Didn't realize turning 50 that I couldn't eat like I was prior to 50. But I continued to eat with zero metabolism and the weight ensued. Now I'm backtracking and realized unless I change and become more accountable about what I eat my weight will continue to rise.. So cataloging my food daily is really opening my eyes. For…
  • If there is such a thing as being in the middle of above thin and definitely below fat. Then that's me. However my mom and sister are both obese. I don't fear being fat, I just don't want to get to a point where it's even harder than it is to lose weight. My metabolism is pretty much gone so even with all the exercise I'm…