Thank you, im all new to things and i have no idea whats best and what does what haha, thank youu! :D
I am definatly having a look at that one now haha thank you!
Its been a right pain, getting used to things understanding the different ways and adjusting things. A lot of trial and error at the minute, Thank you! :D
I need to get myself some little weights, thank you! Is there any DVDs you could recommend me to try out for them? Thank you :D xx
Thank you all soo much really cleared my head up! :D
haha, thank you when someone said sterioids i thought oh no great, thats what it is! thank you, i will definatly have a look!
Yeah i am on them for a little bit longer :( Hope all is well too! Yeah its crazy it feels like its up and down days, just trying to get a steady balance and routine. Yeah it says i would get a rounder face but it feels some days its back to sqaure one, and didnt know if they was having any added affects. Thank you thats…
Sorry for the late reply....I was worried because i am on steriod medication and i am not very aware of all the things that come with them surrounding exercise etc, and i had heard so many different stories of various exericses would make me bigger rather than loose anything. Thank you so much for your replies! Really…