Yesterday was a BAAAAD example of my diary. I was embarrassingly hungover and could not keep anything down most of the day. Not a typical day by ANY means. I do eat breakfast, but sometimes my breakfast is considered lunch. I work odd hours, so my diet is a bit atypical. However, I am starting a M-F job on Monday and will…
I am. Nothing. :frown:
I work in a music venue, but that will be changing next week when I start a new, office job. I'm wondering how I'll need to alter what I eat after that!
I was just diagnosed in November. Went back in January to check my levels, and my Dr. upped my dosage a bit. I feel pretty darn good (which is weird because I didn't think anything was wrong with me in the first place)! I don't feel starved. My energy is good. My mood is wonderful. I feel like I'm toning up a bit, but I am…
Thanks guys! Yeah, 3 years as a derby girl was great, but it's really hard on the body (my knees are not in great shape). It's a fantastic workout, though!
Ha! I'm in the same boat. Didn't get enough sleep last night and accidentally skipped lunch today. :( Too much snacking today. Drink a bunch of water and try going to bed early. Tomorrow is another day, y'know? Good luck!