I was better at this last summer but getting back into it. Grilled chicken Sunday, prepped breakfast, lunches and snacks. The rest of the chicken went into the freezer. I love having a Foodsaver for freezing. I ususally don't prep dinner although I should.
Maze - Greatest Hits
Jessie Cook - Gravity
It was around 12 lbs but I lost a lot of inches I'm at 21lbs and even more people notice. Zumba insructor, boot camp trainer and my friends that see me all the time. I was really shocked that a woman from zumba I hadn't seen in 2 weeks noticed.
For Breakfast I make strawberry, mango, unsweetened almond milk and greek yogurt. I freeze fresh strawberries and buy mango chunks from Trader Joe's so no ice needed.
Mon 1 hr boot camp Tue 1hr zumba/hip hop Wed 1hr boot camp Thu 1 hr zumba/hip hop Fri rest day Sat 30 min circuit training & 1 hr zumba toning Sun rest day Thinking about adding 30-45 cardio on Friday I've been doing this routine 2 1/2 months and have lost 21 lbs so far, but also watching what I eat counting and journaling…
Recipe please! I make mine in advance because I add fruit and just put it in a small lunch kit with an ice brick and it's still cold and shake consistency when I drink it an hour or so later.
You can add me too. I'm 40 something just incognito most of the time.
Zachary Quinto
Henry Cavill
Staying out of the Texas heat and Sunday brunch with a colleague in town for business meetings this coming week.
It's the freakin weekend! I get to spend one more day with my bestfriend before she goes back home to Charlotte.
I tried it, borrowed it from a friend. It's not bad. Its easy to follow along. What I do know is a zumba-hip hop class and that is great. The fat burning from zumba and the hip hop really works the abs. Check zumba studios around you. I actually enjoy the group class.
I was strickly a morning person before work and I still have boot camp 2 mornings a week at from 5:30-6:30 and I finally found a Zumba class I love but it's 7-8pm 2 nights a week. I hate evening exercise but I love the class so I go and then I work out Saturday mornings. If it wasn't summer in Texas I would ride my bike…
You can add me, who doesn' need support
Scratch out Stamos and put Troy Palomolu and you got my list.
HOLY CRAP she just did it again when she answered the phone she told the person on the other in "I literally just walked back to my desk" they are half-way across the country they could care less if you just walked up to your desk. Just answer the damn phone. UGH. Ok chilling out and literally putting my headphones on.
The woman that sits next to me at work every conversation starts with "I literally", really you are literally killing my over usage of that word.
Cowboys and Aliens
Mos Def (Dante Smith)
Thanks for the tip I just downloaded this app
George Maguire
I go to Zuma-Hip Hop, it is a workout. I got to boot camp twice a week and I cannot decide which kicks my but more. It does depend on the instructor. They have a free class where I work and I went a couple of times and barely broke a sweat. My Goddaughter kept asking me to come with her and I went to a 1.5 hr Zumba event…
Avoid frozen meals they are handy but they are loaded with sodium. Sometimes they are a necessary evil. Hope this helps
I would shop there more often but there isn't one near me. I love Trader Joe's.
Don't hold the wall- J Timberlake
Marcia Gay Harden
William Hurt
Dwayne Johnson, Richard Gere and Jason Momoa.