

  • you look great!! I too, have to stop weighing:( it does nothing to motivate me, instead it makes me feel like no matter what I do, it will never budge!
  • Hi, my name is Ell, your post breaks my heart, and your husband is cruel, but you can USE that to motivate you!!! A strong foundation can be built on wreckage!! You CAN and WIll be successful, just start being mindful of what you eat, I too, binge eat for comfort, then feel disgusting after. I just had a fat weekend lol…
  • Hi! My name is Ell from Canada, I am also a 33 year old mom with some weight to lose!! I am tired all the time, and have tried many fads, pills, so healthy, forever is my goal too!! I am tired of being tired!! Chasing my boys did NOT magically burn all my pst baby weight as it did for ALL the moms I know LOL!! Good luck, I…
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