Try shaking up your metabolism. You could try fuel pulling (add a few meals that are only lean protein and leafy greens). Sometimes you have to shake things up. Also drink lots of water and get rid of any toxin build-up in your system. I lost 5lbs drinking 8 glasses a day for a week.
I set a reminder in my phone that dings after 6:30 and again at 9:00 to remind me to log in. You can also log some food the day before ( like what you want to have for breakfast or what you packed for lunch etc).
I'm in the same boat. I'm using MFP to keep me accountable with portion sizes as THM is kinda vague with theirs. Also it helps me with E meals so I know I'm not going over on carbs. I just started though. I got the idea from a blog I found about someone who did THM and weight watchers.