Beavergong Member


  • I've been rather taken by rice cake thins at 12 calories each!
  • A beautiful juicy mandarin! My carvings are changing on this 5:2 diet. Anyone else?
  • Thanks for that sandt. I got to 20lbs after 3 months on 5:2 and have lost consistently UNTIL 2 weeks ago when I put on a pound, the next week I lost 2 lbs and then. yesterday I put on 2 lbs. I fear this is the dreaded plateau so I've started a weights program in the gym and did an extra Pilates class in the day when I…
  • 55lbs that's an amazing loss. Can I suggest you weigh out 55lbs of shopping and just look at how much it is. Don't try and lift it all at once though.:laugh:
  • That's a great point about baggy pants adding visual pounds!!! I have lost 20 lbs and the first two people to notice did so at the pool where I swim 4 times a week. On Saturday 2 different people said you can really tell you've lost weight in your swimmers. I'm 60 and live in a cold climate 2 degrees here Yesterday, so I…
  • I bought them in a Coles Supermarket in Australis today. They are on special till tomorrow I think. So all you Australians go out and buy them and dry fry them and report back?
  • I'm 60 and just realized I've lost 20 lbs since Feb 20 2013. My husband has too. We just did it together slow and steady. We used the5:2 method but I think what every one says is true. We've had to watch carefully for 2 days a week everything we ate. We had each other but found our MFP friends a great encouragement too. It…
  • Now you North Americans don't do naughty things with my user name. We spent 1 year in british colombia Canada and 1 year in Oregon USA and loved the animal the beaver in both places. In Australia our town as many do finishes in the word gong meaning place.
  • I just had to say. I'm in a walking group( you know like hiking) which was led today by a lady who turns 90 this year and today she was out there up hill and down dale until one of the 80 year olds had trouble getting her breath. I'm 60 and I want to walk like that when I'm 90 and yes she is slim too.
  • I do find I can exercise on fast days. I often don't swim as far and I make sure I have water with me. So I do try to keep up my routine.
  • Bella Really sorry you are so down. You have lost weight maybe you should visualize how much you have lost by putting it in a grocery bag and lifting it. I recently did a seminar on Positive Psychology for U3A it says find something positive in your life, something you feel good about and works and see if you can extend…
  • Have you thought of trying something like 5:2. One positive I find after 9 weeks you do seem to see a difference after the second fast day when you weigh then. There is a forum on this website about it and you can google the book The Fast Diet by Michael Mosley and watch the program he made about it on utube(the 5:2 forum…
  • I just had Philadelphia light chive and onion cream cheese on thin rice cakes and it had plenty of flavours and came in at 15 cal for the Philly.
  • This happened to my husband and we found mint leaves from the garden helped.
  • I was able to swim with a sprained ankle by just using the arm action. To remind myself I clasped a kick board between my knees.
  • I too have lost weight though on medication. I had thyroid cancer some time ago but am on a very low dose of thyroxine which my doctor says make it harder to lose weight. I've been using the 5:2 method for 9 weeks and have lost 16 lbs or 7.2 kg whilst my husband has lost more .
  • I always eat spinach from the garden before and after I give blood to help my iron levels.
  • Congratulations I share your joy. 21 years ago today I had an operation for thyroid cancer. It may make it harder to lose weight but the fact I'm alive and cancer free for 20 years is a bonus.
  • I m on 5:2 and I swim on fast days. I usually swim 60 laps but when I started 5:2 on cut that back to 40 on fast days but now I swim 60 again . The book The Fast Diet says don,t eat your exercise calories back on fast days sorry.
  • I'm an E or F fitting so am keen to know of recommendation for supportive bras. I'm about to google Enell. Any other suggestions?
  • For 145 calories I make 1/2 cup whole meal pasta and cook for 6 minutes with 1 cup of water. I add 1/2 cup of spinach from the garden for the last minute . I drain this and put in a bowl with fresh cracked pepper and 20g mozzarella grated cheese and zap in the microwave for. 30 seconds. See what you think
  • What about broccoli and wholemeal pasta with some black pepper?
  • I often cook half brown and half basmati rice add twice as much boiling water as total rice and cook for 23 minutes in the microwave(if you use 1 cup) . It cooks perfectly if you leave it to stand for 3 minutes before serving and is a nice change from just brown rice.
  • I'm 60 and joined MFP 5 weeks ago when I started the 5:2 diet trying to lose 10 kg. Well I've got to 7kg lost with the help and encouragement of friends on MFP.
  • I've been on the 5:2 diet for 4 weeks and have lost 5kg but for the last two weeks on the second fast day my system has become very sluggish and on the next day I feel as though nothing is moving. I do make sure I drink 8 glasses of water on fast days and I've tried taking 1 teaspoon of slippery elm and drinking " regular…
  • Well said Melaniecheeks . I watched the Panorama Program last week that started the diet and I must say you summarized its scientific findings well. I'm in Australia but the link to the program was posting on the 5:2 group if anyone didn't see it and is interested I can post it here? Beavergong
  • Hi Kat I'm from a village in NSW an hour south of Sydney. I came to this site 4 weeks ago because I was interested in people's experience with the 5:2 approach to diet. Since then my husband and I have each lost 5kg. Feel free to friend me if you want to see how we eat. I do like to cook our food from scratch. Beavergong
  • Staceychurche My husband and I have been on the diet for only 4 weeks so we are not experts but we are doing OK. We've lost 11 and 12 lbs respectively. I've just read Dr Mosley's book The Fast Diet in the last week so here's how I see it. He recommends eating breakfast and dinner we eat our 500 calories breakfast, lunch…
  • I just reread Dr Mosley,s The Fast Diet book where he suggests we try a 2pm to 2pm fast as it gives you a longer time without food overnight. Has anyone on 5:2 tried this and would like to comment on how they found it compared to normal fast day?