

  • 8 cookies and 4 pieces of chocolate. I wouldn't feel bad about 2 cookies, or 2 pieces of chocolate, but I just lost it today. They were awesome though...
  • It's absolutely doable. I lost over 100 pounds since February with no meds at all. Calorie counting, exercise, and sufficient protein is all it took for me. I never watched carbs, though I hear many people say you should. I was not diabetic, only pre-diabetic, so I didn't. After about 6 months of losing, my cycle returned…
  • I used green, but the recipe I modified called for red. I bet any one would work.
  • I forgot nutrition info! I divided this into 8 servings, about 165 grams each. For one serving: 138 calories 0 fat 17 grams protein 34 grams carbohydrates (18 grams fiber) 33% DRV of iron - added bonus
  • I do it in front of guests all the time. People I know can see I have lost weight, and I would think they know better than to assume it came off magically. Obviously, I'm dieting. If they haven't figured it out, oh well. Good luck on your journey!
  • For liquids that are water based, 1mL = 1g. If your dressing has oil in it, it will be different. I use a fat free Italian, no oil. For that dressing, 30mL is 30g, or pretty close. The metric system is pretty simple. 1 cubic centimeter = 1mL = 1g for watery liquids. Heavier dressings with fat, oil, or lots of dissolved…
  • I haven't heard of this one, but as a former almost 400 pound female, I can tell you I think I tried almost every "diet" out there. None ever worked, at least not long term. I set a calorie goal, TDEE-20%, and ate that every day. The first few weeks were difficult, but I got used to it and now it's much easier. I would…
  • I feel your pain. I lost 113 pounds and only 2 or 3 sizes, depending on the brand. I carry most of my weight in my belly, and it's the last to lose anything, so while pants are big around my legs, I haven't lost much in my waist. Stay strong though, it'll come off eventually!
  • My motivation is a picture of myself at my nursing graduation. By far the worst I've ever seen. I'll graduate in January with an advanced degree, and I WILL look good in that photo. Also, I just want to weigh less than my husband. I still can't fathom how he eats so much and stays in relatively decent shape. Lucky…
  • I think we all get comments. My dad tells me I'm too thin (and I'm still almost 100 pounds overweight) and my doctor thinks I haven't lost enough. You can't make everyone (or sometimes anyone) happy except yourself. I carry my weight in my stomach, and after losing over 100 pounds, I only went down 2 jean sizes. I notice,…
  • I save up calories when I have something planned. I don't drink, but for example I am going to a county fair this weekend. I've been saving all week, because I'm eating funnel cake, no matter what! It's not something I do all the time, but I don't think it's bad once in a while. Over time, it evens out. I think it would…
  • Agreeing completely with the crock pot! I too work full time and go to school full time, and I'm married to a wonderful man who also works and goes to school full time. We throw whatever we have in the crock pot in the morning, leave it on low, and eat whenever we can until it's gone.
  • I don't think you'll know until you start losing weight. I started as a large DD, and am now a small C, however I had to lose MUCH more weight than you. Your doctor could give you a better idea, and might recommend a reduction. I know several people who have had them and feel better now. Your back problems will only get…
  • You absolutely need to ask your doctor. Weight loss causes elevated ketone release, which can damage babies brains while they are developing. Most OBGYNs do NOT want you to diet while pregnant.
  • Here's an update: I bought Zumba 2 for the Wii, and did it for a half hour. Of course, my Wii didn't recognize any of my movements, but I did it and had fun! I definitely can't do all of the moves, but I managed to keep moving and am hoping some day to be able to move my hips. They just don't do that right now, and I have…
  • My wedding ring doesn't fit anymore. It is sad to take it off, but it's progress I can see!
  • My goal right now is to take a Zumba class! They look like so much fun, but I'm terribly embarrassed to dance in front of other people. I'm thinking about getting Zumba for the Wii first to see what it's like. My Christmas goal is to lose 32 pounds. It's a hefty (no pun intended) goal, but I'm going to try.
  • Hi, I'm Stacey. I's a 28 y/o full time critical care RN, and I'm also a full time student. I'm happily married, no kids. I've never done a challenge before, but I think I need more accountability, so I'm excited to start this! SW: 378 CW: 282 GW 1: By Christmas: 250 GW 2: When I reward myself with a new car: 199 UGW:…
  • I started at 6'0, but have lost about an inch from back surgery. When I began MFP, I was at 800 calories per day, and my hair started falling out. I finally sucked it up and slowly went to 1500 per day, which is under what MFP suggests. I started at a much higher weight than you, however, and after 88 pounds lost am still…
  • I think it depends on your fitness level when you start. I used to do Wii fit all the time for exercise, and it was great. It was something I could actually do, and I worked up a sweat and had sore muscles in the morning. As I got into better shape, though, it didn't work as well. I don't do it often anymore, because I…
  • I reward myself every 30 pounds or so, but at my ultimate goal (if I ever get there), I want a Mercedes. I can't afford it, but I have 100 pounds left to start saving!
  • I agree with the above. My calculated BMR was 2200ish when I started, and I never lost a thing. It's much lower now, but I still eat below it, and I have for months. The weight comes off at a normal pace, and I feel fine. Many people will tell you that you HAVE to eat your BMR, but many people are wrong. If you feel…
  • Awesome pic! Congrats, you look great!
  • What a nasty thing to say! Picking on someone who one assumes to be too thin is not really very different for picking on someone who one assumes to be too fat, though. Both are hurtful and inappropriate. She was probably bullied for most of her life, and is taking her pain out on you. It's not fair, it's not right, but…
  • For me, the worst was the realization that my doctors were wrong about many things. Losing the weight didn't help my fertility issues, and didn't improve my back pain. I'm not less tired, I don't have more energy. On top of that, it's realizing that I'm still a fat girl at heart, and will always need to count calories and…
  • For a snack, I spread 1 tablespoon pasta sauce and half a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese on a rice cake. Microwave for 20 seconds, and you have a mini pizza for about 65 calories.
  • I've got it too. It's a struggle, but it's worth doing. I can't take the Metformin either, it makes me sick and didn't work anyway. I have been struggling with infertility for years, and a doctor had me convinced that if I lost even 30 pounds my periods would regulate. Didn't happen. However, I keep on going, hoping that…
  • Personally, I set my diary to run from noon to noon. I'm usually sleeping at this time, but it worked out much better for me. Working 7pm to 7am. I eat a large meal before work (when I wake up) with my husband. I "pick" when I'm at work, since I don't have time to eat a full meal. I bring a lunch bag with lots of fruits,…
  • Awesome job! Congrats to both of you!