

  • I'll start with you! I did it for a week a few weeks ago and I liked it, I just ended up having a crazy past couple of weeks and the most I could manage for exercise was a walk with my kids. Definitely want to get back into it so I'll start on 11/3 with you.
  • Hi everyone, thanks for the messages and adds! Right now I seem to be having a hard time just finding the time to log in and keep track of my calories because with a 9 week old and 2.5 year old and working I am lucky if I get 30 minutes to sit down and relax at the end of the day. I work from home full time, started…
  • Hello everyone! I'm new to the group and just started tracking my weight this pregnancy, as I'm really trying to stay under 20lbs! Aside from losing whatever I gain this pregnancy, I ultimately want to lose an additional 35lbs to get to my (first) goal weight of 160lbs. I'm 36, and have a 21 month old son who was born 6…
  • Just saw your post, I was/am the same way! I leave for work at 6:30am, have a 2 hour drive most mornings in traffic, work a 9-10 hour day, drive home 1-1.5 hours and get home around 7. I tried to change my schedule and they wouldn't let me. I had my first baby at age 35 in May (he's going on 10 months now) so I've been…
  • Hi everyone! I just joined the group too, I need some motiviation to finally lose this weight, for real this time! I'm 35 and had my first child last May, so he's soon to be 1 years old. I'm also a lawyer and work/commute 12 hours a day, which means I'm sitting 12 hours a day, and then coming home and trying to spend every…