

  • To answer one of your questions I wouldnt care if he lost any weight if he just would be more active with me I would wish he would for health reasons but he never wants to leave the house. We used to spend 5+ hours playing video/computer games and spend the rest of the time watching movies. In the begining I loved this and…
  • Thank you guys so much for the advice and @mrloserpunk that is an inspiring story. I hope one day he will realize being healthy is the greatest decision anyone can make. He sometimes eats what I cook but other times if I choose to eat a salad he will order pizza and that it is hard on me because I still get cravings. I…
  • I am good at being nice to people lol you don't see that much here in miami
  • I completely gave up soda and now I don't feel bad about it just because it has no calories doesn't mean it's good for you.