

  • I am a little confused on the calorie intake issue. I am trying to eat 1200 calories a day and burn 4-500 calories 5 days a week, I didn't realize I would have to then eat 1600 calories a day. I just thought I would get faster results by sticking to the 1200. Would someone clear this up for me.
  • How do you lose 3lbs a week? That seems to be alot. What is your secret.
  • Welcome! I just started using myfitness pal a week ago and I love it. It really helps keep you on track.
  • The reason I usually blow it on the weekends is that my husband and I usually go out to eat and socialize with friends and I have good intentions but they usually go out the window.
  • I am 40 years old mother of 3. I was always tiny until I turned 35 and then everything I ate seemed to stick like glue. I get frustrated because I used to be able to lose weight so quickly and now I have to fight for every pound. I have a personal goal to lose 15-20lbs by May 1st. I am eating a 1200 calorie diet and…
  • Hi everyone I am completely new to fitness pal. I like the idea of having people to talk to that are in the same boat as I am.
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