

  • I'm like you: not a huge amount of weight to lose. Bigger problem is that I seem to gain a few permanent pounds every year, and after a while that adds up! This spring I want to try and get control and stop feeling so bad about myself. This is my third try with myfitnesspal and I could really use some encouragement!
  • Good luck! You can do it, and your daughter will be proud of her beautiful mommy.
  • I recommend Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" and Jill Scott's "Hate on Me" as great power tunes for housework!
  • We are the same age and I spent a lot of time in North Wales as a kid -- sounds like a good basis for friendship! I'm trying to lose weight and get sensible with my eating and exercise habits. My eldest child turns ten in nine months, so I was feeling nostalgic about when I found out I was pregnant. Then I realized I weigh…
  • Try keeping the scale in a slightly inconvenient place so it requires some effort to get it out. If it's too easy to hop on, the temptation is great! But if you have to go to a bit of trouble to do it, you'll be less likely to do so.