where did you find the calorie counter? I have a HR monitor but I haven't used it with Insanity yet.
that should say I got down not done
My little girl is 3 months old. I got done below my pre-pregnancy wieght..but I was over weight when I started. I"m ready to be in the best shape of my life, so not easy though now that I have someone else to take care of and not jut myself. She is so worth the effort :) We can do it ladies!!
I know how you feel! I'm not a fan of my stretch marks either and it's ok to feel that way. My baby is 3 months old. I'm with most everyone else you have to start out slow. I had a c-section so I couldn't get back on my feet as fast as I wanted to. What I did at first was just carry my new baby all over the house to get…