Sheenieg Member


  • Hi...52, embarking on 3rd marriage in 5 weeks..need to loose a stone!!! Love to join your group xx
    in 50+ Group Comment by Sheenieg June 2016
  • Ive cut out sugar as much as weetabix with skimmed milk for seaded bread sandwich with tuna/chicken..small chic wafer and quavers for lunch and meat or fish with a big salad or veg for dinner...weigh myself every morning first thing and walk over 3 miles a day..calories no mote than…
  • hi sweetie...think its a great idea to motivate each cant do it on your own. My email is you ever need some support get in touch xx
  • keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge...sliced chicken..that will stop you grabbing the cakes..hope this helps xx
  • hi..just joined son has been doing this since november and has done really well.,.add me as a friend and we can keep each other motivated..sheena x