

  • Atkins (and all low-carb diets in general) don't fly too well with some people. Like doctors and such. Short version is, the jury's still out on whether it is SAFE, and even after loosing weight, good luck maintaining it - it's not an easy lifestyle. I know this probably is not what you want to hear, and very different…
  • Check your units perhaps? 18 stone is around 252 pounds or 114 kilograms. Which one did you enter? My daily intake is 2210 kcal, and it was calculated when I was at 103kg.
  • Happened to me too. Started the program, and suddenly (around day 2) stopped feeling the need to eat. It's different from day to day, but on some days I start "snacking" (not on snacks, actual food) to come closer to the daily allowance (usually stay under it). So no worries.