I've been here a while and don't really have a lot of friends because I usually just record my stuff and do something else, but maybe that could mean all the difference. If anyone wants they can friend me. OP friend request on the way : )
When I first started people who didn't see me often noticed right away that my clothes looked looser, but in the 8-9 months since I started, not one of my coworkers has said anything. It really depends on who sees you all the time I guess. I just have to keep telling myself it's how I feel.
I've been stuck at my 30 lb loss since the beginning of summer and, while realistically I'll be happy just to not GAIN any weight this holiday season, I would like to lose another 10 lbs so I can fit better into the jeans I'm getting for Christmas. Sigh. This year has been good to me though so no matter what I'll be happy.