

  • The last 3/4 days I haven't filled it in due to a phone issue and not being by a computer but this is my daily food diary for a gym da http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/vokesie?date=2013-03-26 And for a non gym day http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/vokesie?date=2013-03-25
  • Thank you RMD135, I have tried asking my Dr about the weight loss muscle gain, and each time he refers to the BMI he even used the well toned male who weighs 90kg and 5'7" tall could be considered and overweight and nearing obese, I have shown my dr my fitness plan and diet, just took one look and handed me the British…
  • Breakfast porridge 239cals Banana 161cals Lunch Chicken sandwich 300 cals Apple 100cals Dinner Filled pasta 400 cals Peas 75cals Snacks of 2 x apples Pepsi max
  • Sadly This is the view of my dr, he is a believer of the BMI scale and every time I go in there he always mention my weight and what I need to lose to be "on Target" and then talks about how it would affect decisions if I ever needed surgery,
  • And to some extent I totally agree with you but sadly it's my dr that has stated that if I don't get down to my target weight I won't be treated because of my weight and will be considered as a obesity related illness
  • Sorry but the aim is weight loss I have to get down to 70kgs which is the top end of my BMI this is what my dr has said so yes I agree fat loss is important but I do have to loose the weight too
  • Would it be best to stop the weights all together as the aim is weight loss not muscle gain Thanks for your comments though