

  • Oook that sounds like a good idea - that's how I originally trained for the 12kms when I did it last year - gradually increasing by a km or two each week until I knew I could make the entire distance. I find it a bit hard to run five times a week with hockey training and my games each week but I guess they must count as…
  • We have until a week before to register for the race so I guess I can just keep training and if my body's not quite up to it then I can always drop back - I guess I will at least feel like I tried :) That's what I'm sad about... that I have been trying so hard and my legs just keep playing up!! lol. But thanks for the…
  • I'm the same as you - I exercise 5 or 6 times a week, which is a lot more than any of my friends. However, I work in a restaurant where there is food everywhere around that we can eat.... The hardest part is knowing that I'm in pretty good shape and that I will maintain my weight whether I eat it or not - it's just that I…
  • I quite often have a craving for something sweet when I finish dinner but I find that if I get up and make myself a cup of tea and sit down and drink that before I let myself consider getting anything more to eat then I generally don't feel like getting more... Hope that helps!
  • I have heard of this set point as well... Apparently there is a point where you're body wishes to maintain itself at, but it is also possible to 'retrain' your body so thats its set point is lower... However, I also have no idea how to do this!!!! I experience the same kind of thing as well... I'm in pretty good shape but…
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