I need to change that, I dont want only hypothyroid friends. thank you for pointing that out!
no pic
Fat clothes are expensive, and I want a restart. Im tired of hearing my face is pretty lol
I have the same problem here lately too but if you think about it.....that big mac or watever is going to be delicious for about however long it takes you to gobble it....but the weightloss that is going to last a whole lot longer and you will feel so much better. This kind of thinking has kept me progressing, just saying.…
I take it that losing weight is not REALLY a priority for her right now just something to talk and rant about.
absolutely inspiring !
24 Year old female. Open minded funny and would really appreciate anyone who would be supportive or needs support in this weightless journey, need to lose 200 ! but I can do it, just would like to make some friends along the way!
where can i purchase hummus???
Curious how does staying in bed help you burn calories?
lmbbo too funny
thank you
woah a thousand dollars for somthing that breaks alot no way lol thanks for telling me
Thank yall if i get one ,definatly a if bc your very right 3 thousand dollars and i do not have that. But if santa or gods feelin like given me one ill let ya know.
Whats a food scale do?