

  • i,. too, have been on MFP for a while and never looked for "friends" until now. i realized after logging in everyday and seeing no activity that i need some kind of support and interaction!!! i am also attempting to try running!! i have been stuck on C25K week three for over a month!!! *ugh*
  • i try to eat protein pretty much every time i put anything in my mouth! but, i am NEVER hungry!! i usually eat because if i don't i get super hypoglycemic! i could probably go all day, not eat, and not notice. i have lost some inches (i am guessing cuz i have no measurements, but i am buying a smaller size in my pants (but…
  • i have done that a few times, but it just goes against what i always was taught~~"stay within your calorie goal"!!!! this whole eating back the calories that you've burned thing is weird to me!
  • what's your secret??
  • hi!! i have been on MFP for almost 3 months now and i have noticed ALL my friends have disappeared. i am still here and sticking with it. i need some kind of support and sounding board. i am sure that the warm weather is probably the reason for some of the drop off. i am not a big fan of hot weather so i know i'm not going…
  • girl!!! i can feel your frustration!! i have been dieting/eating healthy for 15 weeks and have lost a total of 2 POUNDS!!!! i am doing almost the same stuff as you and i can't figure out why the weight is not coming off. i, too, feel like giving up...........but i know i can't! i am feeling so good and don't WANT to go…
  • hi!! welcome to MFP!! i try to pre-log my food and sometimes my exercise. doing the food keeps me on track and helps me NOT eat something else. i pre-log my exercise to kind of "force" myself to go do it. good luck on your journey!!!
  • good luck on your "running journey"!!! i, too, am a new runner and i go back and forth between "C25K" and "zombies run 5K"!! i like them both!! it depends on my mood as to which app i chose before i head out. just take it easy and don't try to overdue it. you don't want to injure yourself and be sidelined. that happened to…
  • damn!!!! congratulations!! i wish i could be this lucky. i've been exercising and eating healthy for over 3 months and i have a lost a total of 2 pounds (and gained 4)! any secrets on your success???
  • i can sympathize with you about diabetes and weight loss. i have been trying for 5 years to lose weight and nothing is working, my doctor says that people with type 1 diabetes always have a more difficult time losing weight. boy, is she right!!!! i am getting very frustrated....with my lack of weight loss and my diabetes.…