

  • This is probably the best way to think of it. Exercise is a great way to cut your body fat percentage. Whether that means you actually weigh less or not is a slightly different matter.
  • It sure is a way to improve your health. It's important to remember that you will also be building some muscle while doing it (like any exercise) so it's not the same as dieting for weight less. As long as your heart is pumping and your body is moving, it's a good way to lose some weight provided your calorie intake is…
  • I take metformin and it certainly can cause stomach problems. Have you eased yourself onto your dose? Taking a low dose for a couple of weeks before gradually upping it is the best way to limit the side effects. The side effects should go within a month. I occasionally get some returning if I take the metformin outside of…
  • Hello, I have insulin issues, I believe it acts very similarly to the insulin resistance women typically suffer from, so I feel your pain. I found the only way I could curb the sugar consumption when I was on a downward spiral was to completely cut out sugary foods. After a couple of weeks, I stopped craving them. It…