HellaJes Member


  • Hike through Pt. Defiance Park on Apr. 2nd. There's lots of different trails through Pt. Defiance. If I remember correctly the one I was on was called the Spine Trail.
  • Hike to Franklin Ghost Town on Sat. June 10th. Pretty neat spot, lots of history!
  • Hey guys! I haven't posted on this thread in quite some time -- I hope everyone is well! I've been hiking quite a bit although I can't post any pics because I'm on my mobile. I'll send an update soon!
  • Hello all! Feel free to add me as well. I'd love to have more active MFP users in my friends list. Currently down 27 lbs with many more to go! Let's be accountabili-buddies
    in Friends? Comment by HellaJes June 2017
  • My hike from Sunday! Only went about a mile up - I didn't have snow-shoes and the snow was DEEP.
  • Nice shot! Looks chilly, hope you stayed warm :smiley:
  • I'm so down for this! What a great idea! I live near Mt. Rainier, as well. We've got a short snow-shoe hike planned for this weekend. I can't wait to see pictures of all the beautiful places everyone will go!
  • Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! I love meal-prep Sunday!