

  • happy birthday and you look amazing!
  • listen you are the one hes with. I know the feeling my x did that and i didnt like it because these girls are skinny as hell with this big boobs and big butts, i only have big boobs because of my weight and my butt is not where it use to be. remember that this is for you and he can look but he cant touch! Talk to him maybe…
  • Hi im starting at the heaviest i have ever been which is 271. I am doing everything in my power to get to my goal weight which is 150. Thats around where i was in high school which would be great. I live in miami fl so if any of you girls are out there please email me maybe we can get together and work out or walk! as well…
  • Hi to everyone! i just started this yesterday and im hoping to be able to make great friends that will motivate me!