I use Zicam at the first sign of a cold...helps me a lot...but not if I don't start it soon enough.
LOL :laugh:
I would. Also, I'm sure you BF is careful but, I'm a guy and I know that we, for the most part, are not as careful as the women in our lives....yes, I know there are exceptions.:bigsmile:
By the time I typed this and posted this post...someone else posted as well. Also in addition to the other comments here, know that the gym or workout center, if you use one, can be a germ and/or virus laden place. Please, be sure to exercise (pun intended) with good preventive hygiene. Keep your hands away from your eyes,…
BMI is only one number. It can be misleading and therefore as others have mentioned, it should be taken in context with your build and fat percentage.
Not an advertisement but to answer the question: I use these: Access® Exercise Bars – Chocolate Caramel Kruncher Access® Exercise Bars – Chocolate Raspberry Rush Access® Exercise Bars – Chocolate Coconut Kraze Access® Exercise Bars – Mint Chocolate Ice Access® Exercise Bars – Chocolate Peanut Butter Krisp Access stored…
ummm. looking to try it!
Many of us have slumps but you have taken the step to identify it and you are honest about it...when i find that to be the case with me...I isolate and move on and see it as a temporary set back. You have come so far, so i think you need a little cheering section! Go Girl, You can do it!
I like this
This is why I suggest looking into adding water exercising such as water walking, water jogging or Aqua Aerobics./Aqua Fitness.…
Amenia NY Eastern Dutchess County in Poughkeepsie NY area
I'm not sure if this will help or not: They are similar to what we used to call squat thrusts. "Squat thrusts are usually included as part of a high-intensity circuit or a calisthenic workout, which burns about 298 calories in just 30 minutes for a 155-pound person." from:…
also gentle water walking with the swimming. As you heal you can take the walking to the next level.
That's why i like the 5 minute rule for myself...I can do almost anything for 5 minutes!
That's the weigh to go!
Wow! you're doing great and everyone is right and you're on the right track!
You're welcome!
Try the five-minute rule. "Commit to a mere 5 minutes of exercise and see how you feel. This gives you enough time to get your blood flowing, your endorphins going, and since it’s only a five minute commitment, it won’t cost you too much. When you reach 5 minutes see if you want to keep going for another 5 minutes (etc)…
Got three almost-new pairs of pants this week from a church thrift store! Yes, my size right off the rack, for $3 each!
You're welcome. Doesn't hurt to ask for personal time or see if you can work compensating time for the time off. Just insist that it is "personal." One of my interviews was in the evening; if you have enough to offer then the potential employer might just do it. Hope it works out.
Great job!
Also see if you can use an unsweetened yogurt also with the sweet fruit
I wouldn't call in sick to go on an interview. Too many things can go wrong. You can ask for the time off for personal reasons. If you need to, explain the circumstances to the potential future employer and that you need to arrange for the time off for the interview so that you can give your current employee proper notice…
Yes...I hope that we can connect with them!:smile: