robine182 Member


  • Are you posting more info in the FB group? can i find it and join on there?
  • This thread is hilarious! Ok so at My Gym you have to spray down the equipment and whipe with a rag theyprovide and are washing all day long. So i'll be running (or using a bike or elliptical) and someone next to me will go to clean their machine and stand 2 feet away and spray across their machine...but i am next to…
  • There are several Groups doing 30DS for the month as a challenge you should look into one of those, a local friend of mine joined those forums and has been happy with it! Good luck that stuff is HARD!
  • a little off, but im close. Havening trouble finding some peeps! 27, 5'9" was 200 now 182 goal 165
  • Close twin maybe??? 27, 5'9', was 200 now 187 dream goal would be 155 but right now 165! :)
  • I am 27, married for 5 years, always been the 'fat friend.' I am 5'9" and currently 187lbs. Ive had a gym memberhsip for well over 3 years. I stopped weighing in becuase i wasnt losing. I was closer to 200lbs then. I would love to see 160 but my ultimate goal would be 155. I LOVE FOOD! Of all kinds, except veggies! My…