

  • I would confront them. If they are your true friends and family that really cares, they hopefully will be honest. Maybe something like, "Do you remember when I lost x# of lbs last year? Well, if you have not noticed, I've gained it back. I'm not happy and I've done some soul searching. I truly think the reason I became…
  • Don't worry... you'll be fine. I had my gall bladder out when my son was six weeks old... I've had three c-sections and they are 10x worse then the gall bladder surgery. The biggest thing for me was that I had to adapt my eating habits. Butter was a no-no for a long time. You'll be back to normal soon!
  • Wow... I never thought anyone would have trouble eating 1200 calories! Anyways, after reviewing your diary I would like to suggest eating a piece of toast with jam or butter along side your cereal in the morning. Also, why not add a small sandwich at lunch (looks like all your eating for lunch is fruit...). Hope this helps!