

  • Well since i am the cook and all-yep-and Easter dinner too !!!! But it will be dark chocolate and maybe a peanut butter n chocolate egg and I am having a chocolate covered marshmellow bunny with my coffee.
  • Hi I am stuck too. Been stuck for 2 weeks-changed up a few things with help from the people on here and the weight is moving again ! You should up your protein (lean protein) quite a bit ! The empty carbs need to be trimmed down, I found that as I eliminated all the processed stuff from my diet the weight really came off…
  • Having a snide remark made in public meant for you to overhear ! Like "Look at all that cake and ice cream and fat snacks and pop in her cart-no wonder she is fat !" Ummmm no rude person-I was shopping for our monthly unit Birthday Party for staff and residents at the nursing home I work at- Thanks for making it about my…
  • Hi I am eating 1850, down from the 2200 set by my Dr at the beginning of this adventure. I am on my feet for 8 to 12 hour shifts so it seems high but it really is not for the walking I do all shift. I would like to find one of those sites that is accurate for counting all calories burned-like housework and all too.
  • The Digest diet isn't had to follow- I move what I need to for my job (cant have the nurse pass out lol) and I found only a few recipes that I read and went yuck no way too-so I just moved another meal in the same phase to that slot. I substitute what I am allergic to and so far its been a good experience, I cook from…
  • Hi I just started too ! I started by getting rid of some of the junk and replacing it with healthy choices over several months. Exercise the same thing-started slowly and added more as I felt better. It is hard but it is worth it. Putting my food on this site every day really helps put things in perspective. You can add me…
  • Hi- I have most of your same problems ! I am at 333 lbs and I walk a lot all day-I am a nurse and 12 hour shifts so I know the knee pain !! I went to my Dr who also is a sports injury guy- he started me on meloxicam(Celebrex). I also started some OTC joint supplements for the knee. I have found after a month and a loss of…
  • I am on a plan diet-I add my recipes and foods in to the My Foods and My Recipes and use the frequent list-done in no time and the info is saved for later use-the more you add to your database the faster and easier it becomes.
  • Not in Michigan but in Ohio-did the same thing-stopped at the store after work-flew in and flew out but the frozen rain set in before I got home lol-my daughter is hoping for at least a delay in the am