

  • I have to clean every night as well. The kitchen has to be clean and dishes need to be done then I prep mine and my husbands meals for the next day so I get that struggle for sure. I'm not sure if you have an instagram but there are so many inspiring people to follow on there that motivate me everyday! I even started…
  • I was the same way before my wedding! I thought that would be when I was the most motivated. Nope. Not even a little. I had so much other stuff to focus on, that I just couldn't put the effort or thought into weight loss. I ended up kicking butt the last month and got to where I at least felt somewhat comfortable in my…
  • The calorie deficit thing has always confused me as well. Ive been at all this long enough, you would think I would have figured it out by now. I have lost lots of weight, get sick of working at it and gain it back, lose it, gain it all back. Its such a vicious cycle. But anyway, back to my confusion. MFP tells me to eat…