

  • I forgot to add that in my post, 8 prawn shrimps only cost ya 60 calories~ It's great, dip that with some salsa and you're still under 100 calories!!
  • Hi there, Here are some great low carb snacks; for the sweet tooth lover (like me - grin) Honey Graham crackers 2 fairly big crackers are worth 130 cal Quaker - Sweet &Salty Almond 1 bar - 100 cal Crispy Dellghts various kinds, Caramel, chocolate, peanut butter - 90 calories a bag Get dried fruit in the bulk section of…
  • :smile: Hi Kari, I too am a newbie to this website, I just joined yesterday and finished my profile this evening. I truly believe the info found on this site along with the support will surely help me with the "battle of the bulge". I'm so eager to make and see changes. I think everyone could use a positive support system…