

  • I'm in but have done the 30 day thing before and know where I end up after the 30 days! So I'm on day 32 and planning on going and going. But one day at a time! It's been a great decision and I hope you'll think so too.
  • I'm on five weeks and counting -- feel great! You can do this. :):smile:
  • Great job!!! Keep it up! The weight will come off. After two weeks I felt so so much better.
  • Yay to sound sleeping!!
  • Newbie here. Was so great to read all of your stories and see that I'm not alone. I'm 43, married, two teenage children and have increased daily alcohol consumption for the last 25 years. I drink too much, and then eat too much, and am setting a poor example to boot. Last five years my weight has been inconsistent...and…