sjam720 Member


  • So should I cut out meats to replace with veggies?
  • Oh and some of the homemade entries are recipes I created with measured amounts. I create large batches of certain food items like chicken entrees and beef jerky.
  • So does calories in protein really count? I find some proteins can easily add up to a lot of calories... After a hard workout I tend to get really hungry... Should I still keep calories deficiency even when I'm really hungry?
  • Just speaking from recent experience... I only started to tone up when i lift heavy weights and eat slightly less than maintenance. Before that I was skinny fat...
  • I must agree that some crossfit gyms aren't that great. You really should do a trial before committing. I've heard of some people who had bad experiences with crossfit trainers. Before I started crossfit, I was a frequent runner and did at home bootcamp style workouts(following online daily workouts). I noticed I wasn't…
    in CrossFit Comment by sjam720 March 2013