Any recommendations?
Either? Both?
I've recently obtained a Hidrate Spark 2.0 Smart Bottle, and while it works fine in its own app, it doesn't seem to sync with Fitbit - even if I have it "connected" in my account with Hidrate. Has anybody else encountered this, and is there a known fix?
Apple Cider Vinegar has been "in" for a while. I remember people doing...whatever...with it when I was in college, ten years ago.
Both, really. Having it simply track where I've been and sync up later on is how it would primarily be useful, but it would also be tremendous if I were able to plan a route ahead of time and load it to Ionic.
Thanks for the recommendations. My Costco membership lapsed, but I've been thinking to get it again for meal planning now that I'm back into it.
Great - thanks!
Does it have the capability to use the GPS independently of a phone's data connection? If so, it would be a huge boon, meaning I could just leave my phone at home when I go for a run or a ride.
Is there a particular device you would recommend? I'm looking right now just at whatever's on Amazon, and there's a range of different products that may accomplish what I'm looking for, but which get pretty pricey.
Ah, so there's no way to (for example), download a route, because there's no actual GPS in the Ionic, then?
Is there perhaps a Fitbit Ionic app that might work at all?
I would continue using my Pixel as a "tablet" at home, so I have no issue with something that has no actual display that will just "sync" up when it connects to whatever device. I have a laptop and a desktop computer that could also suffice, and would even be willing to hook it up to one of those to actually "sync" my…
So far with my 1400 daily calories this year, I haven't had issues with feeling exhausted, but like I said - it's been pretty low-stress so far. Once testing season starts and I get ready to move to a new house in the near future, I expect the stress-eating to resume, but I'm hoping to find tips to offset that. Yesterday,…