The shining (stephen king) was kinda creepy. The nightingale series - stephen leather . Not so scary, but weird.
My husband works on the komatsu haulpak 930E trucks. Electrical maintenance. Big *kitten* trucks!
South Africa, potgietersrus. :)
This. I tried eating different than my family and it doesn't work. Make them all eat healthy. That's what I do now.
I have the same problem. I've had 3 cups of coffee today already.
Don't make promises you can't keep. Birds of a feather flock together. Keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything nice to say. Grandpa
Best thing about being South African: 1. On international chatsites people were dumbfounded because I was white. "Oh, I thought you were black because you live in south Africa". - nope, there's all sorts of races here. That's why we're called a rainbow nation. 2. Do you live in a hut in the bush?- nope, I live in a tree…
Toss the scale entirely! Its evil! Measure yourself and then every 2-3 weeks. Weigh once a month if you have to. Take pics everytime you've measured. You'll be surprised by the change you see. Eat more! I'm 1.67m and weigh 73.5kg. Ill die of hunger if I have to eat so little. Don't give up, it takes time to lose weight.…
Wow! Great progress people!
This is so me. I used to walk around at night when I was a teenager. We lived in a very small mine community (250 households). There was no street lights. Used to walk on a dirt road in the middle of the bush alone. I was scared to death of aliens, geeper creeper and for some reason zombie wild dogs. O ja, and ghosts…
This! You should wait 6weeks!
My mother in law! I can't take it. It doesn't stop at smacking. She burps and farts and she thinks its al helluva joke. We talked to her about it, but she just doents care. I make sure I don't eat when she's eating. Ugh, I hate people with bad table manners!
Hi peeps. I'm from potties. Been on mfp for a couple of weeks. It'll be nice to have some SA friends! Feel free to add me! :)
. This
I'm on a strict paleo diet now. (Whole30) another month and a half of this and them I'm gonna change it to 90%/10%. Add me if ya'll want to!
. This!
Ho. Lee. Crow! You look amazing!
Why should you be embarrased? Its just their opinion! I'm on a paleo diet too and I'm doing and feeling great! Add me if you want to!
Its because they're idiots. Don't mind them. Flip them a bird and keep up the good work.
I started walking recently and by calves get really crampy. I push through it and it goes away after awhile. It gets real bad when I walk on wobbly tarmac. Try to walk it off, if its still bothering, try other shoes and see if it goes away.
Wow! Looking good!
I've heard you can drink baking soda and an aspririn after a workout to avoid cramping. It works wonders for heartburn aswell. My husband uses it for heartburn. Ill try it and let you know if it works. :)
Wow! Good job!
Lol, got the same from my husband!
Hi everyone, feel free toe add me! Age - 25 Mamma of 2 children, son (4), daughter (8mo) Height - 5'4 (1.67m) Cw - 75kg ( 165 lb) Gw - 60kg (132 lb) I don't log food, but I do follow the whole30 paleo diet. I began walkin this morning and started weights a few nights ago. xxx
Make your own flavoured water. Fill a pitcher with water. You van put in cubed pineapple, green apple, cucumber, lemon, ect.leave it over night. Pour it into 500ml water bottles through a sieve. Cucumber water is yummy!
Me too, have something coming up in mid april. On a very strickt whole30 paleo diet. Doing some weight training at night, 6days a week and planning on walking 10k, 6days a week. just waiting for a friend of mine to come home from vaca later this week. Too dangerous to walk alone.