You would lose
Ask how you get your shirts so white
Nice skin
Daryl Hannah lookalike
Time for a walk
the green
somewhere in Germany
spent too much time fixing his hair
he might take it the wrong way especially after losing the arm wrestle
It's not a lie if you believe it
Dunno, maybe
to be friday
so what are you planning for our first anniversary?
1-0 to you...touche
she was all I wanted but never listened to me, always on her ipad and txting her friends
give her a tour of Ireland
she never listened to my needs
to be sure
She said it rained in Ireland too much
Best: abs Worst: Better abs than me
you're not the first person who said this...ever since laser eye surgery I find natural light more sensitive...
I didnt want to live in CA forever...I missed Ireland
your hair looks great
He's not going to finish that by himself