There are a lot of incredibly great ideas already posted here. I started out just increasing distances for walking. And then I did 30 Day Shred. Then I started Tabata. Then I got in my head that I would train to run 5ks. So then I did the Couch to 5k program and am now training for 10k distance. You start slow, and then…
Thanks! I'm all about the reality that if I can do it, ANYONE can!
Working out absolutely makes me happy! And you just really have to do what you love! I took up running. And then I got really obsessed with running music finds. So, there are plenty of times when I'm mouthing the words of songs as I am running along. I told a friend that, for me, running gives me the same sensation as…
Thanks, love! But you're totally a superstar too! Thank you for your encouragement and support along the way!
Thank you! Go you! You're so very close to your goal!
Thanks! I am so thankful for before & during pictures! It is really good to be able to see the changes. I get so used to seeing my body EVERY day. But, I really feel like those pictures show two different people !
You can add me if you ever need any extra motivation! Sometimes just knowing you're accountable to someone else totally helps me out!
My biggest motivation has been writing down WHY I started, and referring back to that whenever it gets tough. I absolutely love what I do for workouts, and that is TREMENDOUS help. I have a whole cheerleading support section of friends and family that helps along the way! I try new workouts, and if I hate it? I just move…
Florence & the Machine : Dog Days are Over is one of my favorite running songs & I'll Make A Man Out of You : Donny Osmond (Think Mulan) actually keep me going.
Amazing work, doll! You've got this! Once you determine that you're going to do this for you? There's nothing that can hold you back!
I am a nanny. There is another nanny for the family. And she's gorgeous! Really! And the children are all tiny! And the parents are both in shape. And I vacation with them. And when I'm with all of them I feel like this GIGANTIC WHALE. I was uncomfortable in the plane because I'm so large. The rides were uncomfortable to…
When I was 12 I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition. At the time I was one of the youngest cases to have that particular disease. The doctors just kept putting me on all sorts of medications, and my hormones went crazy. Eventually they put me on an incredible amount of steroids and all I wanted to do was EAT. I would…
I fit the qualifications :) I would love to be apart of your group!
I laughed so hard at that, and I don't even know why! Haha, thank you for sharing!
You look fantastic! Keep it up! I am proud of you!
I am 25 & a nanny. I watch 3, soon to be 4 girls under 6 5 days a week.