suzannemcarter Member


  • Name: Suzanne Age:30 Height:5'8" Start Weight (1st June):220 Goal Weight (1st July):210 1st June:220 8th June: 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: Really feeling upset with my current starting weight. It's making it hard to…
  • This was great, thanks OP! I am actually pleasantly surprised by the calories in many of these foods. Would have thought mashed potatoes were a lot more. But cannot believe it about the cranberry sauce. Usually I opt for that in mass quantities! :)
  • Joining this challenge a bit late, but here for the motivation!! OriginalW: 233 SW for June: 223 GW for June: 218 (super goal 215) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month 5/31/14: 223 6/2/14: 223 6/9/14: -need to check - prob still 223 :( 6/16/14: 6/23/14: 6/30/14: