

  • depending on how intense you want your workout..i've done both t25 and insanity. t25 is good for a 25 minute workout but nothing beats shaun t yelling at you in insanity. the way you get pumped up in that workout really surprised me- considering its a dvd workout. :)
  • id say up your caloric intake. do you do any workout programs or exercise? if you gain weight you can always decrease it by a couple hundred or so. good luck!
  • thanks everyone! thats just what i needed! its hard and has been an internal debate ive been having just needed someone else to talk me through it. thanks!!! :)
  • thanks ladies! i really do want to continue with month 2 because i want to see what my results will be when i complete the program however, its hard for me to keep up with what they are doing. i cant do 16 pushups in a row ...let alone do 16 and floor sprints. i just do what i can but its hard for me to feel accomplished…
  • i dance with my son (21 months) and go for walks. also, i do insanity so i wait to do that after he goes to bed. makes it easier for everyone.
  • i defintely agree with the fact that it doesnt matter what the scale says. yes, im not going to lie, it is nice when you see those numbers going down buuutttt its how i physically feel that keeps me motivated to keep up with it. i feel sooo much more healthier and active. that means more to me then the numbers on the scale…
  • ummm pizza! thats our favorite! clean them out, take the gills out, a little bit of sauce (home made is better), some mozzerella cheese and whatever toppings you prefer! bake at 400 for about 20 minutes or until cheese is golden brown! delish! :)
  • I wish there was a "like" button such as on facebook!
  • Thats my caloric intake too! I basically try to avoid carbs. Every once in awhile ill have a whole wheat english muffin for breakfast but i try to avoid them. I also switched mashed taters for caulimash and i weigh pretty much everything now. good luck!
  • i made this the other day && it was absolutely ahhhmazzzing! i used low sodium broth but other then that followed the recipe. i served it with a side of caulimash and some oven baked carrot fries. DEEEELISH!! :)
  • i dont track gum or breathmints or anything that i just take a bite of. the only things i track are my meals and snacks for the day orr if i drink anything besides water.
  • i read somewhere that if your craving sweets to eat protein. sounds weird but it worked for me. i wanted a bowl of ice cream and just went with a hard boiled egg. not sweet at all but the craving stopped. now, if anyone can help me with this craving ive been having for big mac- that'd be appreciated!
  • i feel the same way. i tend to stick to the same foods because i know they are within my calorie limit and i feel full after eating them. i have a "healthy" appetite and its hard for me to feel full after eating....
  • when i workout in the morning i dont eat anything before. typically an hour or or so after ill have breakfast and/or my protein drink.
  • i had a recovery protein drink and an english muffin w/ light butter on it.
  • I agree! thats probably still one of the exercises where i feel like death afterwords! Keep going, you'll feel great in the end! :)
  • my husband & i started on st. patricks day. we have seen great results already. next week= recovery week, for us! im already feeling healthier and thats good enough for me on its own. if you are just starting DONT GIVE UP- it does get easier! :))