

  • ^ this. Usually at the 3 or 4 mile mark I hit the 'zone'. The brain quiets and all thoughts leave (much like meditation). Just you and the run, the rhythm. Of course there are those days when running is a big challenge but I appreciate that it builds mental endurance - pushing yourself to keep going no matter how crappy…
  • I had this problem when I started running. Like Scott said, it was from running too fast. I was inhaling through my mouth -HARD. This was giving me the intense throat pain. Try slowing down, waaaay down. Breath in through the nose (and exhale throught the mouth if you choose). Get a good, slow, steady pace and get a…
  • I’m one of ‘those people’. I am not there to pick-up someone, I’m there to run. I wear old tank tops (some tight, some loose – just depends on what’s clean) and shorts. I’m pretty sure I wear the least amount of clothing at my gym. I really don’t care. I’m a HEAVY sweater and am always dripping when I’m done with my run…
  • If you over-pronate, a mid-foot strike is recommended (so says my friend who is a PT). It offers a bit more stability and prevents the foot from rolling so much. I've found this quite helpful as it has relieved a great deal of foot/toe pain caused by the over-pronation (which my insoles and fitted shoes did not fix). I…
  • Height 5’7 Weight 125 I consume about 1600-1800 calories a day and burn about 600-650 calories (5x week). I’m not concerned about weight; I’m concerned about body composition. My goal is to maintain my muscle mass but decrease body fat.
  • Hi Daniel, I also do Keto/IF. I don’t lift but I run 30-35 miles week. Normally my rule of thumb is go by how your body feels, but in your case I would say you’re not eating enough calories. If you can’t eat more in volume because you’re just not hungry then I would suggest you eat more calorie dense. Eat regular bacon…
  • Running has helped me lose a bit of weight (7-8 lbs). I initially started for that reason, but now I continue to run because I feel great about the shape I'm in. I run 6.5 miles 5x week (if I miss a day, I run longer the rest of the days so my weekly mileage average doesn't vary too much) . Weightloss was slow when I…
    in Running Comment by bluflu2003 April 2013
  • I too had made the association sprinter/HIIT = bigger muscles (working muscle harder builds quicker) and long distance runner = leaner muscle appearance. I can only speak for myself. I run 6.5 miles / 1 hr and usually keep a consistent pace (no high intensity intervals). I build muscle easily so I did not want my legs to…
  • I'm 5'7" and at 125 lbs. Based on my wrist/elbow (and small ankles) I'm small framed. But, I have broad shoulders, bigger rib cage and I'm muscular (build muscle easily). I think I look more medium build with weirdly skinny wrists and ankles (that or the chart is a bunch of crap). I guess my shape is inverted triangle…
  • The Ketogenic Diet is not the same as Atkins. Atkins is high protein, low carb. The Ketogenic is high FAT, moderate protein & low carb. Your body will use either glucose or ketones for fuel. You do not need to eat anything that converts to glucose (i.e. pasta, fruit, etc) as your body can make it's own glucose. When you do…