

  • WOW! This is exactly what I need in a group! I have almost 70lbs to lose and am starting tomorrow. It's 2 am where I am right now. I want to start slow with regards to intensity for the first week or so to make sure that I don't get hurt. But I also want to workout 2x's daily. My hope is to do one DVD daily (The Firm DVDs…
  • I'm finally ready for change. I suffer from Depression, OCD and an anxiety disorder (a side offect of that is insomnia). So I understand. I updated all my info to reflect new numbers and new goals. Would either of you be okay with me adding you? I don't have any adds as yet. Either way, GOOD LUCK!!!! I'm sure you can and…
  • Name - lykimlee Current weight - 190lbs Goal weight - 130lbs - 135 lbs Weight loss goal for this challenge - as much as I can - I refuse to set limits! March 31 - 174 April 30 - 164 May 31 - 154 Found a DVD program that I love and am integrating the gym into my routine as well!!!! The road to eating healthier is a…