

  • This is the only article I can find. I think with exercise and healthy eating, it couldn't hurt. If your heart rate elevates than more calories are being burn than just sitting on the couch. You can't just sit in the sauna and expect to loose weight, but it could add to it. I don't know…. Here is the article. I'm not a…
  • http://www.livestrong.com/article/242883-sauna-benefits-calories-burned/ According to Mayo for someone that weighs 160 and sits for 30 min., you can burn up to 300cal. The reason is that it raises your heart rate from the heat.
  • http://www.livestrong.com/article/242883-sauna-benefits-calories-burned/ According to Mayo for someone that weighs 160 and sits for 30 min., you can burn up to 300cal. The reason is that it raises your heart rate from the heat.