

  • you know it really doesn't matter vegetarian ,vegan, pescatarian,what ever..the fact of the matter is losing weight is losing weight no matter how you look at it....Im 42 I dropped 20 pounds not by dieting but by eating right and watching what i eat that fuels the body....end of story cant argue with results period...and…
  • of course if you have a metabolism of an 18 year old so before you speak you might want to check out nutritional values of the foods you eat a restaurant....have you lately???????????????
  • HI fatdoob just to let everyone know that if you are on a lower cal diet you must keep the protein up as much as possible ,especially when your doing vigorous exercises..such as cardio, weights,etc.. b/c your body starts burning muscle before it even thinks about the fat reserves so...... thats why you need a high protein…
  • hi confused, Im am the (whyandme3) vegetarians husband,one of the problems that i see w/my fitness pal on the laptop is it doesn't show you your nutritional chart how many fats your taking in such as mono,sat trans,also sodium, sugars so on and so forth.if you have a smart phone you can easily download the fitness…