

  • SW - 220 Week 1 - 219 lbs Week 2 - 218.8 lbs Week 3 - 216 lbs Week 4 - 218 lbs Total lost - 2 lbs Ugh not anywhere near the 10 I wanted. I've decided to refocus for April. Fell off the wagon a bit this month. Great job everyone!
  • Day late. Again. Pretty suprised that I dropped what I did this week. Only hit up the gym once because of midterms. SW - 220 Week 1 - 219 lbs Week 2 - 218.8 lbs Week 3 - 216 lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - 4 lbs
  • Sorry I'm a day late. Between work and midterms this week is going to be INSANE. SW - 220 Week 1 - 219 lbs Week 2 - 218.8lbs Week 3 - xxx lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - 1.2 lbs
  • SW - 220 Week 1 - 219 lbs Week 2 - xxx lbs Week 3 - xxx lbs Week 4 - xxx lbs Total lost - xx lbs I'm about 6 weeks into a strength training routine, so I think I might be adding some muscle weight as well. I'll just aim higher for next week.
  • I'm in. 220 on March 2. Here comes 210.
  • Try doing a walk run combo. On January 1st I started a program like that. On the first week I was running for 90 seconds and walking for a minute. Today I made my first 30 minute run.
  • Gotta say you are right on. Earlier weight loss attempts for me have failed, because the workouts were the only thing I was fixated on. I burned out. Now I have work and classes from 9am to 6pm everyday. The gym and workouts are there everyday, but like you mentioned they are in the background now. Thanks for the…
  • Yeah I was feeling something similar this week. I think it's because I was snowed in. Anytime I need some motivation a good run at the gym gets be back on track. Keep on keepin on!