RWtD Member


  • I've taken time off from tracking too. We just moved 150 miles away and I am a student again (for the 8 millionth time), so the week before the move and the days after I slacked and probably ate way too much. I don't own a scale right now, and I'm not going to buy one until I've been consistently working out again. Which…
  • I am working to try to get back on track with exercise and diet after going on vacation, so I haven't weighed myself since I weighed in when I got back (and had gained 5 lbs since the last time I'd weighed myself... argh.) Once I'm back in a bit of a groove I'll weigh myself again, maybe in a week or so. But I somehow…
  • I'm RWD in the forums. I know it's a stretch to get that from this username... :D
    in Welcome! Comment by RWtD August 2013
  • Height: 5'2" Current weight: 166 Goal weight: 150 by Dec 1st Fitness goal: 30-minute 5k (so fat, so slow, so don't care!)
    in GOALS! Comment by RWtD August 2013