SarahxApple Member


  • What calculator are you using? I am a little under 5'3" and I have NEVER found a calculator that suggests I eat any less than around 1280, and that would be if I was completely sedentary, no way can less than an inch 2cm make up 300 calorie difference. Have you compared with other calculators, I used at least 3 from fairly…
  • THIS! vilifying is the word just fyi :smiley:
  • In to echo others, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with what you had, how is a less than 200 calorie breakfast bad for you and I wouldn't worry too much about sugar, unless medical or you are waaay over doing it (7 cans of coke a day type of overdoing it).
  • I should have stated in my original post, that I am not trying to say in any way that she shouldn't have self esteem or she should be ashamed. I am trying to highlight that she is POSSIBLY unhealthy or at least people who are this much overweight are sometimes not very healthy. I believe I am far from a fat shamer but like…
  • Just to point out a lifeguard isn't a swim/fitness instructor. Also I used to lifeguard and there is nothing that put me off swimming casually more, it was so difficult to go to a pool and switch off and just swim I was constantly alert it was exhausting. Some of these instructors have come through a crappy personal…
  • To echo others, vomiting NEVER the goal. I do a 6am class and therefore workout fasted, I am as someone else said a known puker, I threw up the other week (although I think I was a little hungover tbf), this Monday just gone I threw up as well after the WOD. Most of the time mine is to do with sugar levels (my bottom out…
  • I workout at 6am 4 mornings a week, 1 evening workout and the weekend is a later morning start. I often do dinner or meet for drinks after work, so this way I can get a workout in and it sets my day up. Also, interesting to know about sleep probs and working out, I have LONG suffered with sleeping/anxiety issues and find…
  • I think you should just follow your body's cues, don't get hung up on what you 'should' or 'shouldn't' do. I workout mostly in the morning fasted so I am nearly always hungry afterwards however, that is not always the case. I often found when I was training for my HM that after long runs (I would eat breakfast before…
  • Although I shouldn't be given this woman any of my time or energy, I do want to say this. I am personally someone who hasn't ever really struggled with weight, yes I am on mfp but compared to other people's journeys, mine has been comparatively easy, I put on weight around Christmas needed to lose it, I have done. However,…
  • I have a regular gym as well as I go swimming and to a group exercise class with friends. It's a little costly but I get the best of both worlds this way and I'd rather cut something else out my life.
  • I realise you are American and probably don't differentiate between lager/ale/cider so ale is generally darker and non-carbonated if that helps. DISCLAIMER: I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment, just an generic observation.
  • Vodka with soda water and a squeeze of fresh lime also gin with this. Red wine has less sugar than white (generally speaking), go for ale over lager or cider although they sometimes have more calories you won't drink as many. Steer clear of rum as it's essentially just sugar.
  • Sports Direct do some nice ones, ideally you should get a fairly bright one so you are visible in the rain and dark - which is approaching fast - I really need to get around to buying one myself. Also Decathlon have a good range the only thing is they don't have online ordering (at least I've never found it).
  • This^ Also to echo others, beans, fish, chicken or you could opt for veggie friendly meat substitutes.
  • Innocent Veg pots (and supermarkets own brand forms) are really good, they are normally in the 300-400 calories range. Or as someone else said making up your own salad or you could try Wasabi if you like Itsu they have some nice soup-y options.
  • Best person to ask is your doctor, but, anything I have ever heard is that pregnant women shouldn't start 'new' exercise e.g if you have been running before then running when pregnant is fine if not you shouldn't (don't know the reasons why, I assume it's due to stress on the body). However, it sounds like you are quite…
  • Unrealistic expectations and pressures - people don't actually 'stop caring' (or at least I don't believe they do), I think people get scared and anxious and food is an emotional trigger for many. I watched a Jamie Oliver programme (years ago) the Ministry of Food and I will always remember the conversation he had with a…
  • This. People shouldn't use them as an excuse to eat crap because of them. I personally take a 'run of the mill' multivitamin from a supermarket (and fish oil as I strength train) I take them mostly because I used to suffer A LOT with mouth ulcers (I think the US call them canker sores?) to the extent that I had blood tests…
  • This. People shouldn't use them as an excuse to eat crap because of them. I personally take a 'run of the mill' multivitamin from a supermarket (and fish oil as I strength train) I take them mostly because I used to suffer A LOT with mouth ulcers (I think the US call them canker sores?) to the extent that I had blood tests…
  • What about doing something like a walk/run on the weekends/when their dad is in, that way you get to break up your workout routine and the kids - the adult sized one too :P aren't on their own. Also I find running AMAZING for getting my head clear and you may as well make the most of the summer weather.
  • Wow a slice of dry toast way to take the fun out of life? String cheese or a slice of good quality cheddar (I buy presliced for work sanwiches and it's 94 calories) Pistachio nuts Any veggies with a low cal dip, 100g of cherry tomatoes is only 20kcal.
  • Ever since Mapmyfitness updated a month or so ago I have problems with mileage, nothing about where or how I walk has changed and there are some criticisms on the app store. I am going to change to Endomondo as that is great for running.
  • You could try HIIT. Although I lift weights (through CrossFit) I do agree with @MeanderingMam lot's of lifters will tell you this is the only way to go, but you can achieve results through bodyweight exercises, it does depend on exactly what look you imagine yourself as reducing bf% isn't easy and a lot of it comes down to…
  • It's about balance, yes you know your body but the coaches are more objective and they are watching you progress. I don't watn to sound accusatory but did you even try the 20lb KB? Or did you automatically dismiss it as too heavy? I have even changed weights in the middle of a WOD (my coach has changed my weights too) as I…
  • BTW I love this thread, really uplifting!
  • Not a bad run story more unexpected, I am doing Race for Life in 10days and I went around the park where it will be and ran a route around it, there are unexpected 'hilly' areas, I only managed 4.85miles before calling it quites felt terrible afterwards as well as ran out at 11am on a sunny day. Good run story: My first…
  • Bananas are a great post workout snack. Or you could have avocado or something re healthy fats. Don't be so afraid of carbs remember you are working out and need the fuel.
  • This is my opinion as well, I go 3 times a week (I do other cardio in the week), I go to challenge myself, I am vegetarian, but in the UK they don't seem to push the paleo/Progenex/Reebok etc... stuff as much (I just had to google Advocare). Yes I take fish oil and a multi-vit (but I've always taken that) and try and be…
  • It won't help you lose weight but I went vegetarian last September, I did it to add more variety in my diet and try to reduce the amount of microwaveable meals and junk food I ate. It worked to a certain extent, I do have a little more variety and it does make me think a little more about what I am going to eat. I…
  • Stop logging for a while. No offence billieljaime but compulsion/obsession of any kind is not a good thing. To OP you have become fixated on numbers not on how you feel or look so you need to concentrate on that, also eating to the point of feeling sick and then restricting is a slippery slope to ED you already have…