

  • Always remember: "It's yoga practice, not yoga perfect." There is no one definite pose, you will always go further in your yoga journey; there is no single destination. Focus on your breathing, and if you lose connection with your breathing go into a comfortable pose (I normally choose child's pose) on the mat to…
  • I feel like this a lot of the time. What I do to help is try to distract myself. I play with my corgi, or go do a workout at the gym, or go spend time with someone who will make me smile : ) People can compliment all they want but that never helps me. So I do something that will make me feel good about myself...even if…
    in So ugly Comment by Talia6288 May 2014
  • Hellos c: I need a buddy too. It's difficult for me to stay motivated when I'm the only one working out in my group of friends and family. I would love to be buddies haha. I'm 19 and my first goal is to get down to 180.