

  • It sounds like you're complaining. Would you mind explaining a bit more about this theory?
  • hey, absolutely. I believe the underlying message is self-acceptance, which doesn't have to mean complacency when it comes to your health. It just means loving yourself and wanting to take care of yourself to the best of your abilities. There is room in that for diet and exercise if it makes you feel good and improves your…
  • Wow, I was obsessed with Archie comics. I used to root for Betty but I think I'd take Veronica, even with her entitled attitude she never chased after the guy like Betty did.
  • I didn't read "do this or women won't like you". Which would indeed be shallow. I just read a list of a few things some women prefer, with most of the list being things I don't care about. eta: Women's magazines make these lists as well. I don't think exceptional shallowness is a gender thing -- more of a product marketing…
  • I wonder if the humour production/appreciation roles have to do with traditional courting rituals - men usually use humour/jokes as a means of charming a girl and breaking the ice, it's commonly seen as a tactic of romantic pursuit or 'peacocking', trying to get the girl to laugh -- and many men prefer to pursue rather…
  • I hold no bias against vegans; I've met several and like any other group of people there are all sorts of personality types involved. Just as any other lifestyle view concerning ethical/moral beliefs or views, I just ask for a mutual respect to be given. I'm always open to learning more from a good conversation or debate,…
  • Too long, thanks for the reminder. Definitely adding them to my grocery list now, mmm ...delicious. I'm curious as to why people don't like them; is it the slight bitterness or something? I was the odd child who loved veggies and always asked for more. If I come up against a vegetable I don't like, I take it as a challenge…
  • lets all Date. One big date. We could go to a roller skating rink and all hold hands and make a giant roller-conga line. And then start a roller derby team called the Ice-Creamers.
  • Thanks to the person who mentioned Crocs. How could I forget? Also, sometimes it's not even what the person is wearing, but the event that they're wearing it for. Like high heels on the beach.
  • There are a lot. For now I am sick of: bow ties, studs, flip-flops, Ed Hardy clothing, t-shirts with dumb jokes on them. But especially flip-flops.
  • All of those Walden Farms calorie free products scare the hell out of me.
  • that's awesome! Buying a new wardrobe of nice clothes that fit and accentuate your body is such a confidence booster, I think people should do it even if they haven't yet reached their goal. It helps you appreciate and see your body in a new light rather than hiding it behind frumpy/loose-fitting clothing.
  • I think the article was stressing much more than just the planning, and saying that the disordered eating is more to do with a heightened level of anxiety/obsessiveness that surrounds it -- guilt, shame, and negative body image. I may be wrong, but think a lot of people intuitively know the difference between a healthy…
  • I love how quick people are to shout "troll". I get that forums get a lot of trolls, but you'd think that an underweight person with disordered eating habits was akin to a unicorn.
  • Someone should tell her that your skin is supposed to have elasticity. Especially when you pull on it. I really believe that some people just exude horrible negative energy and will drain the life out of you if you let them. It just sounds like she's a very bitter person.
  • I use Grooveshark. It's free, and excellent for making/sharing playlists online (you can still share them with people who aren't signed up to the site). Plus, because I search for and add music directly from the site, I spend no time waiting for my music to download or having files take up space on my drive. The downside…
  • I've always had a "baby face" and when I gain, it's noticeable in my face. However, as I've gotten older, the planes of my face have become more defined. One of the perks of having this type of face is that you'll probably always look a lot younger than your years -- it may be annoying up into your mid-twenties, but once…
  • right click/open pic in new tab does the trick anyway. Very cute :)
  • It's amusing to me that you're now defending him in the same thread you made to put him on blast. People in my feed do this all the time, and then have to backtrack ... it gets so tiring. I feel like some people just don't know what they want.
    in BOYS SUCK! Comment by ghhosstt May 2013
  • ^This. I believe for a certain type of personality, this diet could have devastating effects on mental health. Malnutrition can also happen if a person has been starving themselves for a long enough period of time, even if they aren't underweight. I don't know much else about this diet except that it seems like a…
  • oh no, the *kitten* gremlin is something else entirely.
  • ... based on pure aesthetic, the latter. However, if the first guy can make me laugh and the second one can't, then I'm going to be more attracted to the former.
  • People are merely stating their preferences, no one's body-shaming or saying one is "better" than the next. I'm certain most people have particular physical attributes in others they find attractive, but when they do they aren't putting down the rest of the world or saying those who look different from that preference are…
  • It depends on the guy, but I do kind of have a preference for tall/lanky guys over the beefy/muscly types. Not scarily underweight, though.
  • I think if people have a big issue with this thread, they might want to look into the reasons they're being so defensive or taking it personally. That said, I think a little online flirting is pretty harmless. Perhaps you might want to give a few examples -- anonymous or hypothetical ones, of course, because I might be…
  • I love this. Thanks for posting it. :)
  • I almost never use a ringtone anymore, just vibrate. I think my last one was probably Poison by Bell Biv Devoe.
  • instead of trying to prove a point, why not just dump him as a friend? He sounds like SUCH an amazing person, and I'm sure you'll miss his endearing attitude, but I'm sure you'll live.
  • me neither! I can't stand hearing crunching/mouth sounds during a movie, even my own.
  • It's probably not you, they may just be hopeful you can offer them a quick (pharmaceutical) fix. ;)