

  • Got mine in today and while I am surpassing my minimum of adding 5 per day, I haven't caught up yet. Day 3 26 (Sun) "I really tried to get to 30" Day 2 20 (Sat) Day 1 10 (Fri) ~~Yve :flowerforyou:
  • My steps when I get down to my goal: 1) I wanna buy new undergarments from Victoria Secrets! (which I've always been too big for.) 2) while wearing my new lacy undies from Vicki's, go through my clothes and toss everything that's too big/old. 3) any stuff that still fits? Get rid of anything cheep or cheesy. 4) go shopping…
  • got mine in today! Day 2 20 Day 1 10 whoo hooo ~~Yve :heart:
  • Glad you are rededicating yourself. Like you last spring and summer I lost an amazing amount (almost 50lbs) then I got complacent and over this last winter (surprise, surprise) most of it (38lbs) came back...so I too am rededicating myself to an entire lifestyle change and plan to see it through for the rest of my life! I…
  • I have trouble with planks cause of my bad ankle and hip, so I'll join the challenge but will do them with a roll under my calf, lets see how far I can get!!! :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, gotta be true to me and no BS, so here is my update. Couldn't do it at full extension. :brokenheart: So did a modified plank on my knees and…
  • I'd recommend making one change at a time, live with that one difference in your pattern for a week and then add a new change. This keeps me from feeling overwhelmed. Example1 MOVEMENT: if you're a couch/computer potato (like i was) get a speedometer and start tracking how much movement is in a normal day, then try to find…
  • I'd luv to make it, so I'd like to know this one too...especially because a container of Greek yogurt is approx. 100 calories for 170 grams or 3/4 cup, so a full cup will be more grams and more calories right? 1 cup=225 grams = 133 calories? divide by 1/16th and you have 8 calories just for the yogurt? OK, that's actually…
  • I'm in!
  • I had a cheat day that lasted a week for a destination wedding that somehow????? became a month+ of not being on my routine, at all. So...no...no more cheat days. I've gained back ALL the weight I had lost in the last month. I think it's better to just have a healthy treat every now and again that doesn't break my calorie…
  • Wednesday - Wishes, that this all was easier and that there was less sabotage in the world! I came into work today and for a b'day party people brought tons of sweets stuff, was able to eat just 2 cups of fresh cut fruit, but then I got home and my father had gone out shopping and brought enough cake for 20 people!…
  • Ugh...so: Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?) "been off the track from my goals for over a month, I'm getting it back together this week." Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?) "two miles walk daily using a pedometer"Here’s the JUNE CHALLENGE: 1.…
  • I like action_figures response. I'm implementing it right now. Cause my motivation died last fall.
  • OK, so just to update, my Thursday truth is that I decided that I'll update something new each week and the best update to my look I can do for this next 7 days without too much fuss is to start using make-up. Concealer, mineral powder pressed, a little blush and a bright colored lipstick. sighs it's a lot more work than I…
  • May goal - Update your look or try a different look or style. OK
  • Thank you everyone :heart: @suzee71 - thank you, the hard part for me is appreciating myself and trying to share me intimately when I feel icky looking in the mirror. :embarassed: I'm working on overcoming my self image. It's funny and sad everyone around me seems to think I'm this amazingly confident and happy person.…
  • OK, Sunday share...this is a little daunting...so...me and relationships?....hm .tick tock. .tick tock. .tick tock. *sighs* I got nothing... generally relationships are tough for me cause without being comfortable in my skin, I'm not comfortable when I get compliments.
  • D**n it, :mad: over did it Friday and my knee flared up so I couldn't do any squats or walking on Saturday. It's better today so Day 7 - 0 Day 8 - 2 sets of 8 squats and 2 sets of 8 side steps
  • Joining the BUMPfest! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • Very very interesting. Thank you for posting this, I went to that site and wowsa it scared the heck out of me. :P It was seriously technical. I think I might need a medical and chemistry degree to read it :) but I got the general intent and since I kept running into words that I TOTALLY didn't understand I started some…
  • MORNING, ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY! "Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)" I feel really blessed this week my juicing is really adding energy and vibrance to my life. Plus I've rededicated myself to being happy, to not focusing on my lacks and instead being…
  • Walk 1 mile daily D1 6 squats D2 6 squats D3 12 squats and 12 lunges D4 rest D5 12 squats/12 lunges/12 sidesteps TODAY! :happy: whooo hoooo
  • UGH...Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating? EXERCISE IS MY BAIN! :wink: So, I walk 1 mile daily, and just started the squat challenge this week, doing it very very gently. day1 6 squats day2 6 squats day 3 12 squats and 12 lunges day4 rest day5 12 squats/12 lunges/12…
  • Thank you :-) So... Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?) TRUTH OR DARE? hmmmmm, Truth...I am doing really well on my dietary guidlines in the morning but less likely to stay on course in the late afternoon and evenings. Although I am still managing to staying under my calorie goal.…
  • Wow! Doing this daily is working REALLY REALLY WELL, in fact last night I ramped it up a little more!!! Day 1- 1 SET (5 squats - 0 weight) Day 2- 1 SET (5 squats - 0 weight) Day 3- 2 SETS (6 squats - 0 weight) & 2 SETS (6 Lunges - 0 weight) Whooo hoooo!
  • "Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)" My Wednesday Wish: I wish I was already free, from aches and pulls and joint swellings and happily 150lbs light on my feet! :-)
  • "Tuesday - Goals ...do you have any Goals you want to update us?" So i guess I should state my goals. 1) get healthy and active 2) build stamina and endurance 3) take off and keep off 120 lbs
  • I have a bad knee, ankle and lower back, (car accident) ....so, I don't generally do more than 5 squats every other day at the maximum. Usually with a big *kitten* ball against the small of my back rolling up and down against a wall, with no extra weight added.... So I don't think I can do this extreme an exercise... But…
  • Approx: $150+ weekly for me and my Father (for healthy food) @Stop & Shop/twice weekly for reduced "bruised" produce for juicing/smoothies for $25-45 on Wed and Sat ($100/wkly) @Costco/monthly for $150 of meats, bread/eggs for my dad, some bulk veggies/fruits and water. ($40/wkly) @Whole foods/Monthly for some organic…
  • OK, ...uhm new to this thread and this is my first post. So...I will do the Monday check-in: Had a beautiful and sunny weekend. Got some house cleaning accomplished. The winter duldrums seem to be over and everything tastes amazing (i.e. veggies) :-) Started the Juice Reboot on Sunday, even brought my Breville Juicer into…
  • OK, Thank you for that amazon link 'cause now I wantsa theesa one!!! :love: It goes up to 17 lbs? Holy cow, ... I hope I never try to smoothie that much kale/avocado or celery, but you never know!!!! :laugh: