garrisonwife Member


  • I appreciate those kind words more than you could EVER know!!! I honestly don't view myself as "brave" or "courageous". I just had to make a choice. Either dwell on all the "bad" that was in my life...or keep pushing through the "bad" and turn it into something good!! It really wasn't even an option for me. My mom taught…
  • Thank you so very much! None of this...including meeting my husband...would have ever happened if it weren't for God!!! I thank Him every single day for this life He's given me!! :heart:
  • I appreciate you saying that so much...but, I don't feel like I'm incredible. I just think that life threw me quite a few curveballs...and I either had to curl up in a ball and wallow in it...or get up and do something about it. I simply had to make a choice. I chose not to wallow. There are still days that I want to cry,…
  • Thank you so very much!! It's taken me a VERY long time to be able to see any kind of self-worth...and my self esteem still has a long way to go to recover. To be perfectly wasn't until I had written all of this down...then re-read it for me to actually say, "Wow...I really HAVE come a long way!" So, in a…
  • HA!!! We sooo need to be friends. Love it!!!
  • Thank you so much!! Once I reach my next "mini" goal...I'm going to get a couple of funny gym t-shirts!! There are so many out there that are hilarious. One of my favs says, "Sex, Weights and Protein Shakes"...but unfortunately, I don't quite view that one as appropriate to wear in public. Ha!! However, there are some that…
  • I am STOKED that my story gave you some motivation...but please let me first encourage you to check with your doc first. I mean, I have a crazy disease, yes...but my surgeon pretty much told me that I have NO restrictions...even with a hip replacement, and that is RARE. Also...nine pounds in 5 weeks is FANTASTIC!! I know,…
  • First, I have to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has posted on here or sent me messages. Turns out...a lot more people can relate to my story than I thought. It means the absolute world to me that you guys are showing such awesome love and support, and I will never, ever be able to thank you all enough!!! Ha!!! You…
  • Thank you so much!! God has blessed me and my husband beyond our wildest dreams. Truly. We may have to face scary things sometimes...but now we have each other to face them TOGETHER!! I could not have DREAMT of a better partner in my life, and I am so blessed that I waited to marry the right man!!! :-) It may have taken…
  • Woot!!! *Girl Crush!!!* On my way to add you! :heart:
  • You are TOO sweet!! Thank you so much, and God Bless YOU!!! :heart:
  • You can do it!!! Find something you love, though!! I found that I L-O-V-E lifting with the big boys. Makes me feel like a BEAST after every's not for everyone. You'll find something you fall in love with. Whether it's walking, running, swimming, racquetball, soccer (I also LOVE racquetball and…
  • Indeed. I will be seeing him, his child and his brand new son on Thanksgiving. Ohhh...I meant to say WIFE...not child. (But really, she was in 4th grade when I started dating him almost 14 years ago and he was 24 then...soooooo...yeah.) I can't say it won't be a tad bit fun for me and the hubs! He also happens to be 5'3"…
  • Thank you SO MUCH!!! Unfortunately, with my disease, there is absolutely no way to fix it...except to replace all the affected joints...which is why I have to get my other hip, both knees, both shoulders and eventually my jaw done. HOWEVER...strengthening the muscles AROUND those joints and getting weight off of…
  • Hi, everyone! My name is MB...I'm actually the girl who wrote the post that Nettie linked to earlier yesterday. :-) First, I just wanted to say hello...and I love how you guys all interact with each other. This seems to be a fantastic thread, and even though I'm not quite sure I get how things work, I'd love to "lurk" for…
  • Karen... Your post brought tears to my eyes!! Thank you so much for such amazingly kind words! I still struggle to see that "inspiration" when I look in the mirror. In a way, I wrote this so that I can look back on it and see how far I've come. I'm so sorry that you, too, are dealing with nonstop pain!! People with chronic…
  • Thanks, so much, you guys!!! :-)
  • Heavy lifting!!! I have a bone disease that affects all my joints...especially the weight bearing ones. Since I've started lifting heavy weights, I have NEVER felt better! I also do it in a "circuit training" kind of way, so that I don't take many breaks between sets. Gets the heart rate up like crazy, I sweat like crazy,…
  • Thank you so much! It's so nice to be someone's favorite person! Hee hee! ;-) I *love* that you said I'm "winning" and "conquering" my battles. Makes me feel like a warrior!!! BOOYAH!! It's funny...because when I wrote this a few days ago, it kind of encouraged ME to give it even MORE. Since I've written this, I've beaten…
  • Thanks so much!! It's funny because so many people tell me what a "strong" person I am...but I honestly don't feel that way. I kinda just feel like...well, this is my life. I can either keep moving forward and make this life the best I can with what I've got. Or, I can curl into a ball and wait for life to pass me by. It…
  • I am so sorry you're having to deal with pain!! It's hard for others to understand something that they can't see!! You CAN do this! It may take a little longer. It may be a bit tougher...but you know what? It makes victory just that much sweeter!!! :-) God Bless You, too!!!
  • Robin...I am so very sorry to hear about your pain. Please, please, please...don't think that I was trying to say that you should ignore or "push through" serious issues without clearing it through your doctor first. I have a VERY unique situation!!!! I have had this disease for nine years...pain is a permanent part of my…
  • YAY FOR SPONGEBOB FANS!! ;-) Thank you so much!! I appreciate it more than you know!
  • Not sure I'd call it the "best post ever", but thank you SO much! Looking forward to getting to know you!! Love & Hugs! :drinker:
  • Seriously?! You guys are making ME cry!!! I never thought that I was any kind of "inspiration"...and it's still a little weird to think of it that's just been my life, you know? I can't thank you all enough for all the love, support and encouragement you've given me! I am in AWE of the kindness you all have shown…
  • You guys are amazing! Seriously, I didn't even think many people would read this. Thank you all so much! :heart:
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: LOVE me some Spongebob! Watching it right now, in fact...with the hottie hubby! :wink:
  • Just a little while ago...I posted a post about my bone disease, and how I've dealt with it. It's a VERY long read, but maybe you would feel encouraged by it. I may be wrong, but I'd love it if it could help you. Here's the link to the post from earlier. Good luck to you!!…
  • Thank you, everyone! It truly means the WORLD to me to read all of your encouraging words. :flowerforyou: I know I am very long-winded...especially when I'm typing something, so thanks for even skimming through! LOL! I really don't feel like an inspiration at all...honestly, I've just had to put one foot in front of the…
  • First, let me echo some of the other people...PLEASE make sure anything you choose to do is ok with your doctor first!!! Most of us are not doctors, so you should definitely clear ANYTHING you do through your OBGYN. That being said... I have never had a regular period, unless I was on birth control. When I was on the pill,…