hkied Member


  • I live on a budget too. I have 4 kids and a hubby. I try to think of it as what my usual bill would be then spend that on healthy food. Take fruit if its out of season buy the frozen kind, veggies too ya its not totally the same but better then a snickers!? I also try to make up meals so when I am hungry I dont just reach…
  • the first time I did it I lost 20lbs. But it was a lot to remember for the second phase. Since it is expensive I kinda do the same thing minus all the pills I kept the fiber and spark drink and eat what you should just as a way of life. it works out starving!!!!
    in Advocare Comment by hkied March 2015
  • I have always struggled with weight up and down, so add me if you like my goal this yr is to check in everyday and log too!!
  • part time SAHM I work 2 days a wk. Have 4 kids 18 to 4 yrs old lots of go-go-go-go. I need to find time for ME. I need to get into some kind of sch. friend me if you would like.
  • add me if you like, i need to lose the same and way the same..... I have also had a misscariage a while back but have 4 kiddos so I am sure you will be blessed as well! being healthy really helps!
  • I am with ya I need to lose 40 by April, going on a trip with great friends to Vegas!!!
  • Yup, back on track here too, lots of eating and drinking! New day time to start over yet again!
  • Maybe add some fiber or more protein, maybe like a chocolate protein shake to you feel like your cheating but your not. very filling kinda like the pasta feeling!
  • I just saw this post I went dry for june! It was great for my weight, I lost 10 lbs! BUT I am back to my summer time drinking so I will try again later!
  • my NIGHT binge is from stress! So I try to take a walk or us my last small calories for a treat! the chocolate frozen pops that are 40 cal really help! maybe this will help who knows it is really hard good luck and thanks for asking cause we all have this problem as you can tell!
  • I know there is a lot of people against the advocare but I just did the 24 dAY challange and lost10lbs. the diffrence for me was cutting my drinks and adding fruits and veggies! ( WHICH i DONT LIKE) But it really has opened my eyes! maybe something set up for you or you setting it up will help!?
  • OK 2nd 5lbs off! That makes 10 hahaha I can add too:laugh:
  • I am on day 15, and this is the only thing that has worked for me! I have lost 8lbs and feel great! I have also stopped drinking Coffee and soda with not even a 2nd thought. plus I use to drink every night and havent had a drink either!!!!! so In my opionion it was money well spent!
  • I havnt stopped, I am 1 more pound away from losing my next 5. So in the next few days it will be a total of 10 for me! going in 5lbs sections is working great for me! I didnt stick to my plan yesterday and I am feeling crappy for it. TODAY is a NEW DAY! LETS DO THIS!
  • sending friend request, I agree someone who cares goes along way! Glad your back!
  • As a preschool teacher, mother of 4 and mom of a 3 almost 4 yr old. I would say it looks like he is eating pretty good things so I would just let him eat those things. Then at dinner or lunch just put something "new" on his plate, a few different times and see if he will try them like 3 peas or small slice of something....…
  • ok so as off today I have lost the 5 pounds! very happy, time to keep on working next 5 here I come!
  • Great yummy salad: Buy a mixed salad with spinach mix, add strawberries, and almond cruch cereal. then if you need something else add turkey, chicken, or even tuna with some feta or blue cheese. I have been eaating this a lot and it is supper filling!
  • crock pots are great but I am into fast... I have a plastic pampered chef bowl (rice cooker) I put it in the micro to make 5 min. rice pour green chili enchilada sauce over it and add the chicken you can buy all ready cut up you just have to warm it. It litterally only takes 10 min. and you have dinner!
  • They say it takes 21 days to make a new habbit, If you are like me you dont get that far...... but it is worth a try and so are all of these other great replies!
  • Thanks for the replies... It really helps to get ideas and support :flowerforyou:
  • Name: Heidi Age: 37 Weight: 190 Live in Colorado, love the outdoors! Goal: 150lbs I am not doing much now walk twice a week!
  • LETS DO THIS! I havent lost a darn thing since I started so Its time to get real! I am gonna stick with it, thanks for the support everyone!
  • might sound funny but Mexican food if you double up on the veggies is very healthy, just skip all the grease frying parts. When I lived in Mexico I lost 30 pounds without even trying. Just loaded up on fruits and veggies..... there were NO fast food or supermarkets near bye which helped a lot too.
  • Same as everyone here, looks, health, and to feel my age which sounds wierd but I am 37 which I think is young! I finally noticed I look like my mom and I love her but I have NEVER wanted to look like her or be her. I was always the kid with the fat mom and I have 4 kids I dont want them thinking the same of me!
  • I am 36. Have 4 children ranging in ages from 18 to 3, I am a preschool teacher also. I havent spent time on ME in a long time! I lost 40 pounds 2 yrs ago when I moved to mexico for 6 months. BUT I came back and gained it back.... no self control and way to many convience foods here :( !
  • Add me anything at this point has got to help!
    in Want Friends? Comment by hkied May 2014
  • my cal is set for 1200, some days I can do it others I cant but it is all my fault cause I eat very baddly. I think you should keep truckin on and possibly re-evaluate your eating and exercise... I mean I did zumba but didnt break a sweat so really I could of worked harder. you see what Iam saying... they say you seriously…
  • Add me as a friend if you would like. I am a mother of 4 Oldest is 18 youngest is 3. I have been stugling with weight for a very long time My goal is to lose about 50 lbs.
  • I had severe anxiety attacks and would be walking the floors at night with what I thought was heart burn or mini heart attacks. final straw was my sons bday and I was stuck in my closet sick as can be! I went to the hospital and I had stones in my gallblader so huge I had surgery the next day! Maybe you should do a…